Underwater Sculptures

Inspired by Mitch Teemley‘s 50 Unique Sculptures post, here are images from a few underwater sculpture parks I’ve dived. The sculptures in Grenada and Mexico were designed by Jason deCaires Taylor and the sculpture in Grand Cayman was designed by Simon Morris.

Grenada is an island located in the southern Caribbean. The images captured below were taken with my first underwater “point and shoot” camera.

sculpture of woman praying
Praying underwater

Isla Mujeres is an island located at an intersection where the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea meet, off the Yucatán Peninsula coast in Mexico.

statue and black diver
Statue and diver

Amphitrite is a 9 foot tall, 600-pound bronze mermaid located off the beach of Sunset House Resort in Grand Cayman.

underwater mermaid statue in grand cayman
Amphitrite, a mythical sea creature
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